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Jenna Bellassai

Lead Data Reporter

Jenna Bellassai is the Lead Data Reporter at Forage. She has written about networking, careers in data fields, and salary negotiation for The Muse, Technical.ly Philly, and Generocity. She previously was a Senior Data Scientist at Guru, where she transformed and analyzed data to improve search ranking algorithms. Prior to that, she was a Data Scientist at Picwell, where she worked with health claim data to improve data-driven health insurance plan recommendations. She is also the former Media Coordinator for the Philadelphia chapter of Women in Data.

Favorite Career Advice

Think about the type of work you enjoy doing, then pursue a career that will give you the opportunity to do that work on a daily basis. Choose a job that will support a lifestyle you find fulfilling.

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To Ensure an ROI on Their Education, College Students Prioritize Practical Majors and Hard Skills

Students have become increasingly pragmatic when it comes to choosing and preparing for their careers, a new Forage analysis suggests. According to data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the number of college students majoring in business, health, and computer science has grown in recent years, while the number of students majoring in …

To Ensure an ROI on Their Education, College Students Prioritize Practical Majors and Hard Skills Read More »

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