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How to End an Email Professionally (With Examples)

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You’ve done the hard work of writing a professional email, and now it’s time to figure out how to end it. Knowing how to end an email professionally is crucial for writing clear, actionable emails that leave your recipient with a positive impression. This guide will walk you through how to end an email professionally, from closing phrases to best and worst sign-offs to what your signature should include.

Professional Email Closing Phrases

Professional email closing phrases are the sentences you use before officially signing off the email. These phrases should restate and clarify the purpose of your email and end with a call to action.

“Whether I’m emailing a prospect to get a meeting or emailing a recruiter to get an interview, I want to be sure that the reader understands exactly what the next step I’d like them to take is,” Otis Perry, business development representative at Forage, says.

>>MORE: How to Find and Reach Out to Recruiters on LinkedIn

The recipient should know exactly what to do next after reading your email, whether sending you times to meet, reviewing a document, or telling you the next steps.

What Tone Should You Use When Ending a Professional Email?

To determine what tone to use at the end of your professional email, Daniela Camejo Sanchez, senior writer at WriterArmy, a content production agency, says it’s all about knowing who you’re communicating with.

“Especially if this is the start of a conversation with a person you don’t know, do your research,” Camejo Sanchez says. “Ask yourself, how do they present themselves professionally? What is their personal brand like? Do they seem like they value formal exchanges over more casual ones, or vice versa? You can tell a lot about a person by reading a few professional posts they’ve shared online.”

Yet no matter who you’re emailing, Perry says to remember there’s a human behind the email, too.

“I often try to dance the line between a formal and casual tone,” he says. “I definitely want to be respectful and not say anything that may offend or disengage the reader. However, I want to humanize my email as much as possible and communicate in a conversational tone so it’s easier for readers to digest.”

Professional Email Closing Phrases Examples

  • Thank you so much for connecting! I look forward to speaking with you on [date and time].
  • I’ve sent over [materials you discussed]. Please review by [date] and let me know if you have any questions.
  • Thank you again for meeting with me today. I look forward to learning about the next steps of the interview process.
  • I look forward to joining the team! I’ll see you for my first day on [date].
  • Thank you again for giving me more information about the opportunity! I’ve attached my resume and will contact you by [date] to follow up if I’ve haven’t heard from you by then.
  • Please let me know if you have any questions by replying to this email or reaching out to me on Teams.
  • I look forward to reading your responses in the attached sheet below on Friday. I’ll be in touch about next steps the following week.

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8 Professional Email Sign-Offs to Use — and 6 to Avoid

You’ve come up with the longest part of the end of your professional email. Now, it’s time to pick a sign-off. While some people have strong opinions about which ones they prefer, you can’t go too wrong as long as you choose something professional that suits the context of your email.

“I always say ‘thank you so much for your time,’ or ‘thanks in advance’ if the purpose of my email was to ask questions or if I’m providing instructions on a project to someone,” Camejo Sanchez says. “Expressing gratitude and kind regards is always a good idea!”

Professional email sign-off examples include:

  • Sincerely
  • Best
  • Kindly
  • Regards
  • Warm regards
  • All the best
  • Thank you
  • Thanks
  • Thank you in advance
  • Stay tuned

There are a few professional email sign-offs to avoid, most of which are too casual or inappropriate for the workplace. Examples of these include:

  • Love
  • Thx
  • Yours
  • Yours truly
  • XO
  • Peace out

What to Include in a Professional Email Signature

After you’ve signed off, you want to include your name and, depending on who you’re talking to, a few additional details. For example, if you’re speaking with a recruiter or a networking connection, you may want to share additional contact information and a link to your website. Besides your name, you may consider including:

  • Your current title 
  • Your university and graduation year (if you’re a student)
  • Your phone number
  • Your email address
  • Your location
  • A link to your website or online portfolio
  • A link to your LinkedIn or other professional social media accounts

How to End an Email Professionally: Examples

Now that you know what to write in a closing phrase, have your sign-off, and nailed your signature, you know how to end your email professionally. Here are a few email examples for everyday work situations, from job search to team collaboration.

In a Networking Message

I’d love to connect over the phone to learn more about the position. Are you available any time next Monday, January 2nd, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. MST? You can reach me at (123) 456-7890.


Charlotte Smith

Example University Class of 2026

(123) 456-7890

>>MORE: Sent the message? Now learn how to prepare for an informational interview.

After a Phone Screening

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today. I’ve attached my resume and online portfolio for your review. I look forward to hearing from you soonI will follow up on [date] if I haven’t heard from you by then.

Thank you,

Michael Johnson

After an Interview

Thank you again for your time today. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you and will follow up on [date] if I don’t hear from you by then!


Isabella Rodriguez

Data Analyst

Brooklyn, NY

Comcast Unspoken Interview Fundamentals

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Avg. Time: 2-3 hours

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When Accepting a Job Offer

Thank you so much for the opportunity, and I look forward to working with you soon! I’ll see you on October 2nd in the New York office.


Shayna Coleman

(098) 765-4321

Collaborating With a Coworker

Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to jump on a call or discuss this further in Slack!


Caitlin Imler

Program Strategist

Los Angeles, CA

Sending an Update to Your Team

Please review the above and let me know if you have any questions or feedback by [date]. Looking forward to hearing from you!


Lucy Grose

Chief of Staff, Company Z

Madison, Wisconsin

>>MORE: View our list of 80 online job search resources, including AI tools, job application trackers, resume builders, salary databases, job boards, and more.

How to End an Email Professionally: The Bottom Line

When figuring out how to end an email professionally, ensure that your writing is clear, actionable, and gives all the information the reader needs to take next steps. That doesn’t mean you need to be devoid of humanity or empathy. Remember, there’s another person behind the screen.

“Try to avoid being demanding or assumptive when asking for someone’s time or energy in your emails,” Perry says. “I think it’s important to communicate from a confident yet humble place.”

Learn more professional email tips:

Image credit: Christina Morillo / Pexels

Zoe Kaplan is a Senior Writer at Forage. Prior to joining Forage, she wrote and edited career and workplace content for Fairygodboss, the largest career community for women.

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