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9 Things to Say in a Job Interview

A man wondering what to say in a job interview

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When you think about what to say in a job interview, you probably assume you’ll be answering common interview questions. And while what you say when you answer those questions matters, there are a few more things you should say in a job interview that you may not have thought about.

Know What You Bring to the Table

Before worrying about what to say in a job interview, take a few moments and think about your skills and experiences. This will help you frame your answer in a way that’s unique to you and help the interviewer see how you’ll fit in the role and at the company.

Jamie Guilford, associate director of employer relations at York College of Pennsylvania, says that job seekers should consider all they’ve amassed. “[You] have skills from other experiences…including academic projects and research; part-time jobs; student clubs and activities; volunteering. In preparing for the interview, consider all of these experiences.”

Cataloging your skills and abilities will help you formulate your answers and guide you on what to say throughout your interview.

Interview Success

Get prepped and ready for you next interview in this free course from Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner and learn how to explain why you're the right person for the role.

Avg. Time: 4.5-6 hours

Skills you’ll build: Video interviewing, public speaking, poise, analytical thinking

What to Say in a Job Interview: Getting Started

They say that first impressions matter, so make yours count. Here are two critical things you should say at the start of a job interview.

Nice to Meet You

One of the first things you should try to say in a job interview is, “Nice to meet you.” This is true no matter how many interviewers you meet in a day. It can help you establish a positive and professional rapport with the hiring manager and demonstrate politeness. Alternatively, you can open with, “How are you today?” to get the conversation going.

Bonus tip: Consider saying, “Nice to meet you, Interviewer’s Name,” (or “How are you today, Interviewer’s Name?”) to help you remember who you’re speaking with. This can be especially helpful if you have trouble remembering names or have a panel interview where you speak with multiple interviewers at once.

Thank You

While saying “thank you” is probably second nature, sprinkling it in during an interview helps show that you’re aware the interview process can be just as taxing on the company as it is on a job seeker.

>>MORE: Learn how to build your personal brand in Ashurt’s free virtual job simulation.

For example, saying, “Thank you for interviewing me,” is a way to express you’re grateful the company has selected you for the interview, while saying, “Thank you for meeting with me,” is a way to thank the hiring manager for making time in their schedule.

Don’t overdo it, though. You don’t need to say “Thank you” for every little thing. That could come across as inauthentic, rehearsed, or even that you’re anxious. Use it sparingly and when you are truly thankful for something.

What to Say in a Job Interview: Make the Middle Stand Out

Once you’re past the introductions, you’re in the thick of the interview. While your answers will be unique to you and tailored to the specifics of the position and company, here are a few things you should try to say during the job interview.

Expert Tip

Remember to always tie your answers back to the position. This is a great way to end an answer to an interview question and keep yourself on track.

Here’s Why I’m Qualified

If the interviewer asks you to explain why you’re qualified for the position, stating this during your job interview is super easy. And even if the question never comes up, you’re often talking about your qualifications in an interview. But the trick is to connect your qualifications with the role. You can do that by talking about your hard and soft skills, as well as your transferable skills.

If you find yourself stuck on how to work “Here’s why I’m qualified” into an interview, consider some of the following:

  • My qualifications align with the job description (then explain how)
  • I have a lot of experience, such as (then give some examples)
  • This job fits in with my long-term career goals and career plan (then describe how)
  • I have a lot of related experience (then talk about your transferable skills)

Something About the Company

There’s a good chance the hiring manager will ask you why you applied for the role. And because you researched the company before your interview, you can explain a few reasons why you’re excited about the role and company.

Accessing the World of Work

Learn how to make your job search a success in this free class from Standard Bank. You'll learn how to leverage things like social media and networking to help you connect with open roles.

Avg. Time: 4.5-5.5 hours

Skills you’ll build: Networking, branding, searching for roles, applying to jobs, interview prep

And don’t let your interview prep go to waste! You may find other opportunities to mention what you’ve learned about the company. For example, if the interviewer is asking about your weaknesses, you could mention that you have a knowledge gap around X and that you’re excited about the training opportunity the company offers, whether that’s within the role, company, or outside training. 

Let Me Tell You About a Time When

One of the best ways to help the interviewer understand why they should hire you is to explain how you’ll add value to the company. This is best done using the STAR method, where you tell a story that describes how you used your skills on the job and what the outcome was.

While you’ll use the STAR method to answer behavioral-based interview questions, you can also use it when you aren’t asked a behavioral-based question to illustrate why you’re the best person for the job.

For example, if the interviewer asks you what your greatest strength is, name the strength and then pivot to, “Let me tell you about a time when I used that strength.” 

Can You Clarify

Sometimes the interviewer asks a question that doesn’t make sense. It happens! Don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer to clarify the question. As long as you’re polite and respectful, asking for additional information about the question is OK.

Expert Tip

You don’t have to answer the question the second the interviewer stops speaking. It’s OK to pause for a moment to gather and organize your thoughts before answering.

What to Say in a Job Interview: Wrapping It Up

Things are finally wrapping up, and whether you think you nailed the interview or not, here are a few things to say at the end of the job interview.

A Few Good Questions

Whether they’re your prearranged questions or new ones that popped up during the interview, don’t let this chance to learn more about the position pass you by. If nothing else, the hiring manager expects you to ask a few questions, so use that to your advantage.

Unspoken Interview Fundamentals

Learn how to pitch yourself to employers in this free class from Comcast. You'll learn how to identify and explain what you'll bring to the role.

Avg. Time: 2-3 hours

Skills you’ll build: Video interviewing, verbal communication, identifying strengths, telling your professional story

This is a great time to ask questions about the company (to show that you’ve researched it and want to learn more) and learn even more about the specifics of the role.

May I Have Your Contact Information, Please?

Sending a thank-you note after the interview is a critical part of the application process. However, you may not always have the interviewer’s contact information, especially if you meet with more than one person.

Try to ask for their contact information — specifically their email address — so you can send them a personalized thank-you note within 24-48 hours.

Thank You (Yes, Again!)

While you don’t want to overdo the gratitude, don’t skip a “thank you” at the very end of an interview. You can thank the hiring manager for meeting with you or explaining the role to you (or both!). But no matter what you thank them for, it will go a long way toward demonstrating that you’re a thoughtful job seeker.

Get ready to ace your next interview. Check out all of our interview advice.

>>MORE: View our list of 80 online job search resources, including AI tools, job application trackers, resume builders, salary databases, job boards, and more.

Image credit: Canva

Rachel Pelta is the Head Writer at Forage. Previously, she was a Content Specialist at FlexJobs, writing articles for job seekers and employers. Her work has been featured in Fast Company, The Ladders, MSN, and Money Talks News.

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